We Take Safeguarding Seriously


Safeguarding our Children is of the Utmost Importance to Us

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all children and expects our staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


Under procedures laid down by the Education Authority, the Head Teacher is responsible for child protection and has a legal obligation to take appropriate action where non-accidental injury or abuse of any kind is suspected. It is the duty of every adult coming into contact with the children to refer any concerns regarding a child's welfare to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Our DSLs are:


David Aldworth (Lead DSL)

Louise Shepherd (Deputy DSL)

Sallyanne Bromley (Deputy DSL)

Maria Mackey (Deputy DSL)

Lynsey Healey (Deputy DSL)

Richard Sinton (Deputy DSL)


If you have any concerns that a child has been harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure, please contact main reception as soon as possible and ask to speak to a designated person named above. Our first priority is your child's welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concern about your child means that we must to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board. The school may disclose your child's personal data to statutory bodies where we consider it necessary within the requirements of the Data Protection Act. If staff become aware of or have a need to become involved in situations where a child may be at risk of hurting themselves or others or, if a behaviour of a child disrupts good order in the school or causes damage to property staff may need to take steps to intervene physically. In such circumstances staff will follow the school's policy for dealing with such situations. It may be necessary to change your child's clothes in school (due to toileting accident or over enthusiastic water play etc).


Safeguarding Lead: David Aldworth

Safeguarding Governor: Sally Andrews

Prevent Lead (SPOC): David Aldworth

Teacher for Looked After Children (LAC) & Previously Looked After Children (PLAC): Louise Shepherd

Operation Encompass Named Link: Louise Shepherd

Mental Health First Aider: Louise Shepherd


Our Staff Team
We follow Local Authority safer recruitment procedures when appointing. We check the background of all of our staff, volunteers and students via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to make sure that they are suitable to work with children. They are also required to provide work or professional references. Our staff regularly receive safeguarding and paediatric first aid training.

If anything concerns you or worries you, please report it to us immediately on (0121) 675 3065.


Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.


Parental Access to Children's Records

Under Data Protection (GDPR) requirements, all records held in school concerning your child and family details are kept in accordance with the most recent guidance.  Staff are trained in data protection procedures and we adhere to these at all times. If you wish to see any records kept concerning your child, please ask at the main office.  We will require the appropriate notice period to meet such a request.  Necessary information may be shared with other statutory agencies or partner agencies but this process is governed by information sharing protocols.


A copy of our full Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found on the 'policies' page of our website:

Shenley Fields Nursery School - Policies





Shenley Fields Nursery School

Woodcock Lane,
B31 1BU

Contact Information

Rebecca Melvin - Office Manager
Tel: 0121 675 3065
Email: enquiry@shnlyfld.bham.sch.uk

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