About Us

We are a Local Authority Maintained Nursery School located in the Northfield/ Bartley Green area in the South West of the City. We provide care and early education to babies and children of 0-5 years ahead of their transition to compulsory education. We are a highly qualified, motivated and skilled team of qualified teachers and early professionals with a passion for ensuring every unique child in our care experiences the very best early life opportunities.

Our Vision Statement

Parent/ Carer Feedback

UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award

We were one of the early years providers in the UK to be awarded the prestigious GOLD Rights Respecting School Award in January 2021 and one of the first to be recredited at this standard in January 2024. 'The excellent work on introducing children to being global citizens has gained the school the Unicef 'Rights Respecting Schools' award. Children are very aware that everyone has the right to be heard, and this has contributed to creating a culture of safety across the nursery' (Ofsted).

Our Most Recent OfSTED Reports

'You all work tirelessly to provide high-quality care and early education for the children in your care. All children make excellent progress from their individual starting points and are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps in learning'. (Ofsted). The local authority recognises the strength of the school's work and promotes it as an example of exemplary practice'. (Ofsted)



Shenley Fields Nursery School

Woodcock Lane,
B31 1BU

Contact Information

Rebecca Melvin - Office Manager
Tel: 0121 675 3065
Email: enquiry@shnlyfld.bham.sch.uk

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